Una “damnatio memoriae” per Geroboamo (Sir 47,23e-h)?

Giancarlo Toloni

Risultato della ricerca: Contributo in libroChapter


In Sir 47,23 Jeroboam is presented in an unfavorable light. In the Hebrew Ms B, the exhortation not to preserve his historical memory is added (v. 23e-h), condemning him to an everlasting and exemplary death as the only responsible of the kingdom's division. The "damnatio memoriae" of Jeroboam was born within a perspective developed during the various reviews and reinterpretations of the original (Hb I), and it was inspired by a specific ideological reason. This condemnation came later into the text (as the Hebrew Ms B, the Syriac and Arabic versions confirm), given that it there was not in the Greek and in the VL which reflect the Hebrew form nearest to the “Ur-text.” This was due to the advancement of the retribution’s that is evidenced by the transmission of Ben Sira, since, from the most ancient forms, where the eschatology is merely hinted, to the later ones (G II, Hb II, and Ms B), the traces of a clear thematic evolution are glimpsed.
Titolo tradotto del contributo[Autom. eng. transl.] One "damnation of memory" by Geroboamo (Sir 47,23-H)?
Lingua originaleItalian
Titolo della pubblicazione ospite«Ricercare la Sapienza di tutti gli antichi» (Sir 39,1). Studi in onore di Gian Luigi Prato nel suo settantesimo compleanno
EditorMarcello Milani, Marco Zappella
Numero di pagine18
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 2013
Pubblicato esternamente

Serie di pubblicazioni

NomeSupplementi alla Rivista Biblica 56


  • Jeroboam, Ben Sira, “damnatio memoriae,” ideological review, retribution doctrine, eschatology, thematic evolution


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