title = "Tradizione e stile. ATTI DEL II CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI sul tema LA MUSICA SACRA IN AREA LOMBARDO-PADANA NELLA SECONDA MET{\`A} DEL '600 Como - Villa Gallia 3 - 5 settembre 1987",
abstract = "[Autom. eng. transl.] The publication of these Acts, which takes place close to the realization of the third musicological meeting foreseen in the context of an organic project, conceived and elaborated a few years ago, expresses a clear sign of continuity and coherence with the initial field choices . Furthermore, in all their legitimacy, it re-proposes the methodological and cultural demands that a certain aesthetic orientation, still rooted, has often eluded, as it has led to favoring the most famous and acquired expressions in the history of music, even at the risk of losing the most authentic meaning of the musical event. On the basis of these convictions, which in recent years have not been without authoritative confirmations, this second contribution identifies a theme that is placed in a perspective whose distinctive features substantially imply the reference framework experienced in the first conference. The terms of this interrelationship between the first and second editions refer both to the chosen topic and to the area identified. In light of what emerged in the previous conference in 1985, dedicated to Sacred music in Lombardy in the first half of the seventeenth century, where the field had remained particularly circumscribed and polarized, the angle proposed on this occasion, even if oriented to comply with the criteria who have informed the preparation of the overall cycle, opens up to wider horizons by enrolling the port of the Lombard tradition in a more articulated context. In fact, the complexity of the musical experience relating to the second half of the seventeenth century makes it even more necessary to merge and explicate different but contextual horizons, on the basis of an interchange that is as varied in its factual position as is attributable to those common presuppositions that reveal and express a real cultural koin{\`e}. A further sign of continuity with the previous edition is indicated by the configuration defined by the conference, which develops around two precise polarities, suggesting some significant aspects of musical phenomenology, such as the definition of new forms and original stylistic solutions, the dynamic of the initiatives promoted in the various northern centers, the appearance of a role of decisive importance in the publishing sector and the terms of a prefigured interaction but still to be fully grasped in its articulated system of belonging, with reference to the space-time segmentation. The chosen theme seems to us to summarize this concept emblematically. Tradition and style in fact represent two consequential and essential aspects: if one summarizes the globality of a context, the other constitutes its decisive element on the hierarchical level and the ultimate reason.",
keywords = "Carlo Federico Vigoni, Francesco Rusca, Francesco Turini, Giacomo Antonio Perti, Giovanni Legrenzi, Litany, Lodi, Procession, Rogation, Rovigo, S. Petronio, Tomaso Bigone, cantata, concertato style, dialoghi latini, oratorio, organici, stampe, topografia, trattatistica, Carlo Federico Vigoni, Francesco Rusca, Francesco Turini, Giacomo Antonio Perti, Giovanni Legrenzi, Litany, Lodi, Procession, Rogation, Rovigo, S. Petronio, Tomaso Bigone, cantata, concertato style, dialoghi latini, oratorio, organici, stampe, topografia, trattatistica",
editor = "Maurizio Padoan and Alberto Colzani and Andrea Luppi",
year = "1989",
language = "English",
isbn = "N/A",
series = "Contributi musicologici del Centro Ricerche dell'A.M.I.S.-Como",
publisher = "A.M.I.S. - Como",