title = "Saecula compara, Vetustas. Motivi antiquari nel primo libro delle Silvae di Stazio",
abstract = "The paper gives an overview of references to antiquarian subjects in Statius' Silvae, Book 1: aspects of Roman religion and ritual; allusions to ancient history and custom; verbal choices hinting at specific usages in archaic Latin. Statius' knowledge of Roman antiquarian lore contributes to the encomiastic characterization of Italian laudandi and landscapes, enhancing the rhetorical construction of ethical models as well as literary spaces.",
keywords = "Stazio, Tibur, Paesaggio, Antiquari romani, Educazione nel mondo antico, Lazio antico, Religione romana, Encomio, Domiziano, Virgilio, Tivoli, Statius, Silvae, Landscape, Roman antiquarians, Education in ancient world, Ancient Latium, Roman religion, Encomium, Domitian, Virgil, Stazio, Tibur, Paesaggio, Antiquari romani, Educazione nel mondo antico, Lazio antico, Religione romana, Encomio, Domiziano, Virgilio, Tivoli, Statius, Silvae, Landscape, Roman antiquarians, Education in ancient world, Ancient Latium, Roman religion, Encomium, Domitian, Virgil",
author = "Antonino Pitta'",
year = "2024",
doi = "10.3726/b22225",
language = "Italian",
isbn = "978-3-0343-5271-0",
volume = "4",
series = "Cahiers EGeA",
pages = "85--131",
editor = "LE Bauer and M Royo",
booktitle = "Usages des mots, usages des choses. Quatre {\'e}tudes sur la litt{\'e}rature et les artifacts",