Rozwoj gospodarczy jako generatywny. slady geniuszu kobiecego w praktyce rozwoju

Risultato della ricerca: Contributo in libroChapter


The relational nature of being human finds a counterpart in the intrinsically relational nature of the common existence of the humankind, including material dimensions such as production, consumption, growth. Economic development itself is not meaningfully represented by any quantitative expansion of a given material entity – no matter how inclusive and sophisticated. The important and fruitful debate tending to move ‘beyond GDP’ makes a lot of sense, but remains a partial effort if it simply ends up including in the calculations other ‘good things’ (say, acres of forests) and subtracting ‘bad things’ (say, pollution indicators). Development itself occurs in crucial relations: with nature; with one’s contemporaries; with one’s own cultural and religious tradition; ever more frequently, in relations with other tradition, since each of us can experience the ‘plural’ world in one’s own neighborhood; last but not least, development occurs in relationships of care for future generations. Development is a dynamic process occurring here and now, not an expected outcome set in the future; it consists in a change ‘for the better’ in the relational dynamics described above; it is the path itself, not the destination.
Lingua originaleUndefined/Unknown
Titolo della pubblicazione ospitePrzewodnik po moralnym kapitalizmie
Numero di pagine12
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 2015


  • catholic social doctrine
  • global common good
  • inclusive economy

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