title = "Polibio. La solitudine dello storico",
abstract = "Summary: P. and past history; Oral tradition; Letters as documents; Theory and praxis of the journey; Europe's concept; Migrations and invasions: the Celtic case; Greek and barbaric diplomacy; Corinth and Numantia; Hannibal, Scipio and Philopoemen; Corruption in Greece and Rome; Mertus hostilis and noua sapientia; An unchallenged power; The Roman 'constitution': a case of misunderstanding; P. and Mazzarino's Il pensiero storico classico; Plutarch and P.; Polybian reception in antiquity and late antiquity",
keywords = "Ancient historiography, Ancient historiography",
author = "Giuseppe Zecchini",
year = "2018",
language = "Italian",
isbn = "978-88-913-1698-1",
volume = "41",
publisher = "L'Erma di Bretschneider",