Poėma Il’i Sel’vinskogo “Uljalaevščina”: Istorija teksta [Uljalaevščina di Il’ja Sel’vinskij: Storia del testo]

Anna Krasnikova*

*Autore corrispondente per questo lavoro

Risultato della ricerca: LibroBook


The avant-garde poem Uljalaevščina is the main work by Il’ja Sel'vinskij. It was known and loved by many of the poet's contemporaries, but then, as a result of numerous changes introduced by the author, it moved to the periphery of the reader's and research attention. The monograph by Anna Krasnikova is the first systematic study of the Uljalaevščina’s text, of the complex history of its creation, alterations, publications. The author analyses all printed and archival sources known today, using both traditional and modern philological methods.
Lingua originaleRussian
EditorePuškinskij dom – Nestor istorija
Numero di pagine392
ISBN (stampa)978-5-4469-2016-7
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 2021


  • Il'ja Sel'vinskij, text criticism, Uljalaevščina

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