title = "Introduzione",
abstract = "The ten contributions collected in the volume are summarized and introduced following the {"}fil rouge{"} of a complex of problems they raise and leave open: What is human choice and/or deliberation? What is its power? Is it determined or not? If not, do we find good/bad “examples” of its way of acting?",
keywords = "Determinism, Free choice, Human Will, Roman philosophy, Volont{\`a} umana, determinismo, filosofia romana, libera scelta, Determinism, Free choice, Human Will, Roman philosophy, Volont{\`a} umana, determinismo, filosofia romana, libera scelta",
author = "Elisabetta Cattanei and Stefano Maso",
year = "2021",
language = "Italian",
isbn = "9788869695841",
pages = "1--7",
booktitle = "Paradeigmata Voluntatis. All'origine della concezione moderna di volont{\`a}",