Industrial policies, patterns of learning and development: An evolutionary perspective.

Mario Cimoli, Giovanni Dosi, Xiaodan Yu

Risultato della ricerca: Contributo in libroChapter


This work discusses the role of industrial policies within an evolutionary view of innova­tion and learning as drivers of economic development. Building on the notions of techno­ logical paradigms and trajectories, it links the processes of catching up with the dynam­ics of capability accumulation within and across firms. Technological paradigms provide a structure to the knowledge embodied in individual and, even more importantly, in organi­zational problem-solving procedures and routines, which collectively define the techno­ logical and organizational capabilities of firms and whole countries. The improvement of such capabilities is at the core of the process of development and catching up, well be­yond sheer capital accumulation. In turn, such processes are embedded in broader na­tional systems of innovation in which industrial policies play a pivotal role.
Lingua originaleEnglish
Titolo della pubblicazione ospiteThe Oxford Handbook of Industrial Policy
Numero di pagine32
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 2020


  • development
  • industrial policy
  • learning


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