title = "Effects du protoxyde d'azote sur les potentiels {\'e}oqu{\'e}s enregistr{\'e}s pendant l'anesth{\'e}sie {\`a} l'enfluorane et {\`a} l'isofluorane",
abstract = "[Fr:]Effects du protoxyde d'azote sur les potentiels {\'e}oqu{\'e}s enregistr{\'e}s pendant l'anesth{\'e}sie {\`a} l'enfluorane et {\`a} l'isofluorane",
keywords = "potentiels {\'e}oqu{\'e}s, potentiels {\'e}oqu{\'e}s",
author = "Domenico Restuccia and Paolo Primieri and {Di Lazzaro}, Vincenzo and {Lo Monaco}, Mauro and Bonomo, {Valter Giuseppe} and Elisabetta Gualtieri and Antonio Villani",
year = "1990",
language = "French",
pages = "91--94",
issn = "0007-9685",
publisher = "Blackwell Scientific Publishers / Arnette Blackwell:224 boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 Paris France:011 33 1 45496500, EMAIL:
[email protected], INTERNET: http://www.blacksci.co.uk, Fax: 011 33 1 45491245",