Dis-locazioni del disagio, la soglia del soggetto

Maria Teresa Maiocchi

Risultato della ricerca: Contributo in libroChapter


From the “malaise of civilization” to the civilization of malaise: the clinic of post-modernity reveals the unnoticed drama of this shift, drowned as it in a steady drizzle of-anti-stress pills. Even so, the modern individual – a prisoner of affluence as a result of his own ideals of performance and efficiency – threatens the very statistics of the WHO: the cost of psychiatric care will soon amount to 25% of overall healthcare expenses. Imposed well-being ensures malaise. While humanisation coincides with a symbolic incorporation of the individual, who is primevally torn away from his inconscious biological consistency by the Other in the relationship, today the decline of the Other – the Other that does not exist, the Other that is absent – whit the annullment of its symbolic power, leads to a fragmentation of desire, a breaking down of bonds, and produces in-dividuals without divisions, without losses, without mourning. With no desire. How can this lost gravitas, this unsustainable post-modern levity, be transformed into new forms of social bonding? How can this acentricity turn into ex-centricity, into a reaffirmation and re-assumption of the permanent excess of the individual’s relational abilities? While the globalising bureaucratisation of the modern master’s position makes him an in-dividual, it also requires him to be a monad. A being without bonds, without a past, without nostalgia. The anonymous container that surrounds this new nomadi s the city, degraded as it is by hyper-urbanised science-fiction. A city where the choice of the hero re-establishes an ordered subjectivity to this bond, but at the same time leads to expulsion from the post-metropolis, thereby indicating its uninhabitability. It is necessary to carve out new spaces, introduce distances and open up new horizons. There must be emptiness somewhere. The metropolitan centre, the regurgitating Musil’s bubble is emblematically left behind, abandoned to its senseless churning… To reintroduce project design into the territory – an architecture that includes bonds – an Others pace is required. Moving beyond, introducing a limen, setting a limit – both incoming and outgoing – to a flow that is free of borders and bonds. Post-modernity is uninhabitable, in city centres just as in the suburbs – the ban-lieux… There is no threshold to be found in its permeable fluidity. The individuali s sucked in, absorbed and incorporated within its system of replications. Basically, he wishes to be unaware of his real space and know nothing about it. This is what science-fiction shows us so clearly, regularly, suggesting the existence of some unespected space, quite allien to the virtualised reality in which the individual appears to play out his existence. An individual in a percfectly circular process, and one that can be replicated and replaced as sun as he somehow reveals a wishing nature, beyond his adapatation to the bio-social machine. Or he may be expelled as useless, disposable waste. So how can inhabitable sub-urbs be created for an individual capable of finding creative ways ti put up with his malaise as a the-centred person, capable of inventing new identities, with flexible roths, new familiarities, creating both intra-and inter-enerational bonds? A clinic of post-modernity could be seen as a policy of bonds introducing decisive borders, sustainable decisions, and times – and places – that together form a threshold, and thus once again home. Can the ospitality of the Other (subjective and objective genitive) – givign ospitality to the threshold of its difference- plan spaces thath are not anonymous? Is this not the genius of the architecture, as the genius loci? Can an architecture of bonds, of their peculiar importance, still procure the place of the individuala s a “political animal”?
Titolo tradotto del contributo[Autom. eng. transl.] Dislocations of discomfort, the threshold of the subject
Lingua originaleItalian
Titolo della pubblicazione ospiteArchitettura e Politica
EditorA Piva, F Bonicalzi, P Galliani
Numero di pagine11
Stato di pubblicazionePubblicato - 2007


  • Architecture
  • Architettura
  • clinic
  • clinica
  • luogo
  • malaise
  • politic
  • politica


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