title = "Dall'urbs al territorium. Aspetti topografici del suburbio mediolanense",
abstract = "The study starting from an analysis of archaeological reports of privat and public biuldings, and also of factories and funerary buildings in Mediolanum from I century B.C., assumes a planning of suburban city's land, comparing informations of literary sources with these drowed from laws and town's statutes. The suburban of Roman Age persisted for a long time and marked the limit of urban expansions until Middle Age.",
keywords = "archeologia, dibattito suburbio, diritto, urbanistica, archeologia, dibattito suburbio, diritto, urbanistica",
author = "{Antico Gallina}, Mariavittoria",
year = "2001",
language = "Italian",
isbn = "88-86752-17-2",
series = "Itinera. I percorsi dell'uomo dall'antichit{\`a} ad oggi",
pages = "95--148",
booktitle = "Dal suburbium al faubourg: evoluzione di una realta urbana, in Itinera 2-3",