title = "Communicatif{"} dans la p{\'e}dagogie linguistique des ann{\'e}es 1970-1990 et ... dans celle d'un si{\`e}cle avant",
abstract = "The paper intends to show how all the basic components of today's approaches to foreign language teaching were already present in the works of some obscure forerunners of the last decades of the 19th century. Hymes's SPEAKING model, in all its components, is related to the works of Claude Marcel, prototypical ante litteram of a whole {"}functional-communicative{"} school of thought.",
keywords = "Claude Marcel, Communicative competence, Competenza comunicativa, Claude Marcel, Communicative competence, Competenza comunicativa",
author = "Bona Cambiaghi",
year = "1990",
language = "French",
isbn = "2-86939-040-8",
series = "Cahiers de l'E.R.E.L.",
pages = "125--132",
booktitle = "L'enseignement des langues en Europe de l'ouest: quels contenus? Actes de la rencontre de Nantes, 25-30.08.1988",