Additional file 1: of The different tolerance to magnesium deficiency of two grapevine rootstocks relies on the ability to cope with oxidative stress

  • Sonia Livigni (Creator)
  • Luigi Lucini (Creator)
  • Davide Sega (Creator)
  • Oriano Navacchi (Creator)
  • Tiziana Pandolfini (Creator)
  • Anita Zamboni (Creator)
  • Zeno Varanini (Creator)



Table S1. Metabolites differentially abundant in roots between 1103P and SO4 at 4 and 14 days of growth in presence (+Mg) and absence (-Mg) of Mg identified by the comparison of profile obtained by QTOF and GC-MS analyses. Description, p(Corr) and fold change (FC) were reported. (XLSX 32 kb)
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