Vent’anni di immigrazione in Svezia: flussi migratori e politiche di integrazione

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Twenty years of immigration to Sweden: migration flows and integration policies

Veronica Riniolo, Paola Bergnehr-Moscatelli

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


[Autom. eng. transl.] Over the last twenty years, Sweden has experienced numerous changes both in terms of migration flows - countries of origin of migrants, causes of migration - and of immigration and integration policies. The present contribution intends to retrace the main steps of these changes and to formulate first reflections on the Swedish integration policies.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Twenty years of immigration to Sweden: migration flows and integration policies
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationVentesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2014
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Svezia
  • mercato del lavoro
  • modello integrazione
  • politiche integrazione


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