Usuelle Wortverbindungen und wiederkehrende Kommunikationshandlungen in touristischen Texten. Das Projekt TouriTerm

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Usual word combinations and recurring communication actions in tourist texts. The TouriTerm project

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


[Autom. eng. transl.] In recent decades, the exponential growth of mobility for tourism-recreational purposes has imposed on tourism operators a considerable effort of interlinguistic and intercultural mediation. Among the various strategies aimed at this purpose, the creation of multilingual info-promotional texts plays a fundamental role. This is a particularly delicate operation, the success of which depends not only on high-level language skills, but also on the ability to package stylistically and pragmatically effective texts. This passes largely from a wise recovery and use of phraseological structures and prototypical expressive formulas of the textual genre in question in the target language. Editors and translators of tourist texts could benefit enormously from a systematic recording of this information in a multilingual, dynamic and constantly expandable consultation tool. This is the objective of the TouriTerm project, born from the collaboration between the Catholic University of Brescia and the University of Vienna and aimed at creating a terminological-textual database of the info-promotional discourse in the tourism field. The aim not only descriptive but also application of the instrument under construction constitutes the basic methodological orientation of all the work phases carried out and still planned: from the creation of the data base (Italian corpus and corpora comparable in German), to the mapping of the thematic areas represented in the texts, to the identification of the so-called “wiederkehrende Kommunikationshandlungen” and the related means of expression (see Sandrini 1998), up to the structuring of dynamic and interactive cards which, in addition to individual terms, offer the user a wide range of complex lexical units, contexts of use and encyclopedic information as well as a wide range of possible translation and editorial solutions. The present contribution intends to illustrate the architecture of the database through the presentation of some examples of data sheets, focusing in particular on the methodological choices made for the selection and recording of information of a text-textual nature.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Usual word combinations and recurring communication actions in tourist texts. The TouriTerm project
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationTourismuskommunikation. Im Spannungsfeld von Sprach- und Kulturkontakt
EditorsDoris Höhmann
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Publication series



  • Terminographie
  • Tourismussprache
  • Tourismusterminologie
  • Tourismusübersetzung
  • lingua turismo
  • terminografia
  • terminologia turistica
  • traduzione turistica


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