Umanità in trincea. Voci di giustizia da una Grande guerra senza pace

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Humanity in the trenches. Voices of justice from a great war without peace

Gabrio Forti, Alessandro Provera, Biancamaria Spricigo

Research output: Book/ReportBook


The condition of the 'trench', "with its collective isolation, its" defensive and its nervous obsession with what the "other side" is plotting "" which settled in the mentalities with the Great War, transcends its temporal boundaries and it becomes a metaphor, which, as an American historian wrote, "sets a model of modern political, social, artistic and psychological polarization" very close to paranoia. Although far from mud and blood, 'trenches' were also those set up in Versailles in 1919, because on the diplomatic tables nothing but perpetuated the same 'spirit' (already unleashed in the so-called 'August communities') from which the huge conflagration had originated and that would have generated new catastrophes, like the economist JM Keynes had immediately understood. The infinite chain of revenge, the 'defensive and punitive patriotism, the tendency to' dodge the concrete ', the greed and the ideas of racial superiority hidden under the rhetorical blanket of great ideals, continued to cast their shadow on the Europe and the world. The conflicts of our times, with the disruptive pressures of European construction, bear their dark signs. Signs of an original and radical injustice, which is already manifest - as the professional experience of the authors, three criminal lawyers teaches - in the anxiety to return the wrong and reach some 'final solution' by criminalizing and annihilating the elements of disturbance The book explores the 'spiritually typical' of those events, from Sarajevo to our time, gathering both from the memories of the forgotten of the war, and from the great Central European literature (Musil, Canetti, Kraus, Roth, Trakl ...) and Italian (Gadda, D 'Annunzio, De Roberto, Serra, Slataper, Stuparich, Svevo, Lussu, Saba, Marin, Ungaretti ...), expressive words of a justice that comes true, as the Florentine jurist Piero Calamandrei wrote, immersing oneself in the pain of the other (of' enemy 'himself) and the least. This is the way out of the imprisonment of the trenches, physical and psychic, which leads back to the "sense of the word "human", where the earth is no longer "no man's land", but "everyone's land": where everyone as Elias Canetti wrote, « is a center alongside countless others, who are as much as he is the centre of the world».
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Humanity in the trenches. Voices of justice from a great war without peace
Original languageItalian
PublisherVita e Pensiero, Milano
Number of pages232
ISBN (Print)978-88-343-4016-5
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series





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