The scarlet letter of “post-truth”: the sunset boulevard of communication

Giovanni Gobber*

*Corresponding author

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


In this paper post-truth mechanisms in discourse are taken into account and the attempt is made to understand how language is used in communication characterized by post-truth. A brief description of the word post-truth is given, together with some etymological notes which can shed light on how truth is conceptualized in various languages. The meaning of post-truth and its denotation are then discussed, and it is shown that people involved in communication about post-truth as well as in posttruth messages do not rely on personal common ground, which requires a serious ontological commitment and genuine interpersonal relations. Without such a commitment no communication can be taken seriously and only ideological constructs with poor relevance for human life are left.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)287-304
Number of pages18
JournalChurch, Communication and Culture
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Communicative event
  • argumentative roles
  • common ground
  • community
  • metaphor
  • raming


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