Testing of a model for risk factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: Baseline evaluation

Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Rachel F. Rodgers, Christophe Maïano, David Mellor, Alvaro Sicilia, Charlotte H Markey, Annie Aimé, Jacinthe Dion, Giada Pietrabissa, Gianluca Lo Coco, Marie L. Caltabiano, Esben Strodl, Manuel Alcaraz-Ibánez, Catherine Bégin, Marie-Ève Blackburn, Gianluca Castelnuovo, Antonio Granero-Gallegos, Salvatore Gullo, Naomi Hayami-Chisuwa, Qiqiang HeGian Mauro Manzonie, Michel Probst, Marita Mccabe

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Although a range of risk factors have been identified for disordered eating and weight status, the breadth of risk factors have been rarely considered within a single, comprehensive model. The robustness of these findings across countries also remains an open question. The present study sampled 6272 participants aged 18–30 years from eight countries in an attempt to evaluate combined and unique predictors for these two conditions, and to explore possible cross-country differences in these models. Participants completed a range of demographic, biological, behavioral, psychological, and sociocultural measures to test a comprehensive model of the contributions of these predictors for disordered eating and weight-related constructs (binge eating, body mass index, compensatory behaviors, dietary restraint, drive for muscularity, and drive for leanness). Structural invariance testing within a multigroup path analysis framework revealed that a single model across the eight countries provided poor model fit. Freeing of 22% of parameters across countries provided excellent fit and a satisfactory compromise for country-invariant and country-variant parameters in the model. Overall, predictors accounted for between 15% and 60% of variance in the outcome measures, with lowest explained variance for the disordered eating outcomes. Significant unique contributions to prediction were observed for each of the five risk factor variable types and across the eight countries. Thus, the findings show strong support for this model as an explanatory framework of both disordered eating and weight status.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)322-339
Number of pages18
JournalBody Image
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Biopsychosocial model
  • Country differences
  • Disordered eating
  • Higher weight
  • Young adults


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