Recensione di: H. Dreyfus - C. Taylor, 'Retrieving Realism', Harvard University Press, Cam-bridge Ma - London 2015. Un volume di pp. 171

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Review by: H. Dreyfus - C. Taylor, 'Retrieving Realism', Harvard University Press, Cam-bridge Ma - London 2015. A volume of pp. 171

Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article reviewpeer-review


The volume, co-authored by C. Taylor and H. Dreyfus, wants to challenge the dominant epistemic view of knowledge as mediational. Overcoming the narrowness of cartesianism (also in its contemporary versions) the two authors argue for a 'contact' theory by retrieving realism in epistemology as well as within the political debate on multiculturalism. The review critically considers their arguments focusing on their phenomenological analysis of human experience and on their hermeneutic interpretation.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Review by: H. Dreyfus - C. Taylor, 'Retrieving Realism', Harvard University Press, Cam-bridge Ma - London 2015. A volume of pp. 171
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)245-247
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Realism, knowledge, reason, epistemology, mind/body, multiculturalism
  • Realismo, conoscenza, ragione, epistemologia, rapporto mente/corpo, multiculturalismo


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