«Ragione strumentale» vs. «ragione etica», tra profili non coercibili di autodeterminazione soggettiva e «legittimazione procedurale» degli atti eutanasici cc.dd. "passivi" (Nota a Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo, Grande Camera, sentenza del 5 giugno 2015, Lambert e altri v. Francia)

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] «Instrumental reason» vs. "Ethical reason", between non-compelling profiles of subjective self-determination and "procedural legitimacy" of the euthanasic acts cc.dd. "passive" (Note to the European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, judgment of 5 June 2015, Lambert and others v. France)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


[Autom. eng. transl.] In the juridical colonization of existence as such, can "spaces" be traced, connected to the themes of end-life, against which the State or supranational institutions must withdraw and leave to individuals a non-coercible margin of appreciation? Etymologically associated with the concept of "good death because glorious or painless", in the meaning with which the term occurs, firstly, in Polybius and, subsequently, in Cicero and Suetonius, "euthanasia" - with specific reference to the hypothesis of interruption of artificial hydration and nutrition treatments - gives rise to a series of legal-criminal problems - which at first concern the appropriateness or otherwise of a regulation of the phenomenon - and which are the object of analysis in this contribution.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] «Instrumental reason» vs. "Ethical reason", between non-compelling profiles of subjective self-determination and "procedural legitimacy" of the euthanasic acts cc.dd. "passive" (Note to the European Court of Human Rights, Grand Chamber, judgment of 5 June 2015, Lambert and others v. France)
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)753-773
Number of pages21
JournalRivista Italiana di Medicina Legale e del Diritto in Campo Sanitario
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Consenso informato
  • Direttive anticipate di trattamento
  • Eutanasia passiva


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