Proposte operative per migliorare la sicurezza sul lavoro

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Operational proposals to improve workplace safety

Fabiana Maria Gatti, Michele Benetti, Caterina De Micheli, Emanuele Latino, Elena Gatti

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


[Autom. eng. transl.] Within a working group set up by the Order of Psychologists of Lombardy which had as its aim the development of project proposals to favor the contribution and integration of psychological skills in health and safety in the workplace, three projects have been developed. The goal they have in common is to give the company a "photo" of its "security system", highlighting its strengths (to make them visible to workers and to the community in which the company is located) and points of improvement for effective and efficient management of the security system, with an impact on the well-being of workers, in order to trigger a virtuous circle. In particular, the three proposals intend to answer as many questions: 1. How to deal with insecure behavior in the company? (Monitoring / improvement of the safety system in the company) 2. How to identify psychosocial risks to include them in the Risk Assessment Document (DVR)? 2a. Discomfort in healthcare 2b. Psychosocial risk factors in call centers 3. How to optimize the RSPP's role in the company? (Consultancy for the RSPP role in the tertiary sector) Objectives (cognitive and pragmatic), methods and tools are indicated. The common assumption is that the answers to these questions must come from an integrated approach that combines normative, technical, economic and psychological elements. In fact it is the "human factor" that represents the real unknown: acting on individual and group behaviors, on relationships and on communication is essential. But the level of understanding and action on personal motivations, on perceptions, on interactions is the object of competence and work of the psychologist, in collaboration with specific company knowledge (culture, roles, mission) and the figures that embody it.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Operational proposals to improve workplace safety
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationPsicologi e organizzazioni: nuove proposte
EditorsSalvatore Zavaglia, LUCA VECCHIO, EDOARDO LOZZA
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameProfessione psicologia


  • RSPP
  • Safety
  • professione
  • progetto
  • project
  • psicologo
  • sicurezza


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