
Recent economic and financial crises have exposed mainstream economics to severe criticism, bringing present research and teaching styles into question. Building on a solid and vivid tradition of economic thought, this book challenges conventional thinking in the field of economics. The authors turn to the work of Luigi Pasinetti, who proposed a list of nine methodological and theoretical ideas that characterise the Classical Keynesian School. Drawing inspiration from both Keynes and Sraffa, this school has forged a long-standing and ambitious research programme often advocated as a competing paradigm to mainstream economics. Overall, the Classical Keynesian School provides a comprehensive analytical framework into which most non-mainstream schools of thought can be integrated. In this collection, a group of leading scholars critically assess the nine main ideas that, in Pasinetti’s view, characterise the Classical Keynesian approach, evaluating their relevance for both the history of economics and for present economic research.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCambridge University Press
ISBN (Print)978-1-108-83111-6
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Causality vs. Interdependence
  • Classical political economy
  • Disequilibrium and Instability (Not Equilibrium) as the Normal State of the Industrial Economies
  • Economic Logic with Internal Consistency (and Not Only Formal Rigour)
  • Keynesian political economy
  • Macroeconomics before Microeconomics
  • Malthus and the Classics (Not Walras and the Marginalists)
  • Non-ergodic (in Place of Stationary, Timeless) Economic Systems
  • Pasinetti’s Separation Theorem
  • Reality (and Not Simply Abstract Rationality) as the Starting Point of Economic Theory
  • Social Concern
  • Technical Change and Economic Growth


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