Overview on Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments Lenses: A Novel Perspective in Myopia Progression Management

Matteo Mario Carla', Francesco Boselli, Federico Giannuzzi, Gloria Gambini, Tomaso Caporossi, Umberto De Vico, Alfonso Savastano, Antonio Baldascino, Clara Rizzo, Raphael Kilian, Stanislao Rizzo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Myopia is becoming more common across the world, affecting approximately two bil-lion people and rising. Different kinds of therapies (optical, pharmaceutical, environmental, or behavioral) have been proposed to decrease myopia progression, but with variable results and a lack of standardization. The evidence that targeted myopic defocus inhibits eye length growth has paved the way for several contact and spectacle lense designs to induce a peripheral defocus, thus slowing myopia progression, but the perfect configuration has yet to be defined. One of the newest and more promising approaches in this field is the use of Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) lenses. These lenses are built from the assumption that targeted myopic defocus, produced by 396 mid-peripheral lenslets with positive power, inhibits eye length growth. Recent studies have highlighted the effectiveness of these lenses compared to children who had worn single vision spectacle lenses, in terms of myopia control and tolerability. Despite the evidence that these lenses can help slow down the progression of myopia, the occasional mid-peripheral aberrations they can induce, as well as the overall eye strain that comes with wearing them, should not be overlooked. The aim of this review is to give attention to the advantages and the shortfalls of this new approach and to evaluate its effectiveness in clinical practice.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20-33
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • DIMS
  • defocus incorporated multiple segments
  • myopia
  • myopia control
  • myopic defocus
  • peripheral defocus
  • relative peripheral refraction
  • spectacle lens


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