Osservazioni preliminari sugli impollinatori in un campo sperimentale della provincia di Parma

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Preliminary observations on pollinators in an experimental field in the province of Parma

Maria Cristina Reguzzi, Matteo Anaclerio, Rinaldo Nicoli Aldini

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


[Autom. eng. transl.] In the spring-summer 2013, as part of Syngenta's Operation Pollinator® project, surveys were carried out on an intensively cultivated farm in the foothills of Pilastro di Langhirano and Felino (Parma). In autumn 2012 a plot of land was sown, adjacent to a field cultivated with tomatoes, with some leguminous plants (Sulla, ginestrino, alfalfa, sainfoin, pratense clover, dwarf clover); another parcel had been sown in rape. A natural grassing plot has been identified, with blooms, as a witness. For each survey, 4 daily observations were made. In accordance with the operational protocol, we proceeded with the counting of the observed insects, the identification of the flowering botanical species and the estimate of the percentage of flower cover for each species. Insects have been surveyed observing them in flight and on flowers and, as far as Apoides are concerned (Apis mellifera, Bombus spp., Other wild Apoidea), recording the presence or not of evident masses of pollen. The observations also included other pollinators (Diptera Sirfidi, etc.) and floriculture insects in general. The preliminary results indicate that the presence of pollinators is closely linked to the flowering phases, some of which are much more attractive than others for certain categories of pollinators.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Preliminary observations on pollinators in an experimental field in the province of Parma
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationAtti del Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia - Poster
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventXXIV Convegno Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia - Orosei (NU)
Duration: 9 Jun 201414 Jun 2014


ConferenceXXIV Convegno Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia
CityOrosei (NU)


  • Impollinatori
  • Pronubi


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