(New) challenges for a (new) media education

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Media education, as a frame of children’s empowerment, and media literacy, as a result of media education practices, are –together with «Protection» and «Provisions»– means to accomplish children’s rights in the media. New «convergence culture» forces, nowadays, Media education to abandon a media-specific linguistic approach and to adopt the idea of a broader «media culture», involving not only contents and languages, but the so-called «latent curriculum» too: that set of rules by which the educational space is ultimately shaped as a frame of shared values, legitimate behaviour and common expectations about the personal and social life embodied in the institution itself. At the core of such a media literacy should be also the possibility of a new form of subjectivity, really capable of using all the communication technologies as «technologies of the self» which facilitate the processes of social relations and self-fulfilment. The main challenge to the Media education is thus the possibility of contributing to the building of a human type which we can define as the inhabitant of the Mediapolis, as homo civicus
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLos niños frente las pantallas
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventSeminario Internacional de Investigadores de la UE para el estudio de la protección de la infancia ante las nuevas tecnologías - Madrid
Duration: 2 Nov 20093 Nov 2009


SeminarSeminario Internacional de Investigadores de la UE para el estudio de la protección de la infancia ante las nuevas tecnologías


  • Media
  • Media education


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