Neonatal outcome in hypertension disorders of pregnancy

Sergio Ferrazzani, Rita Paola Maria Luciano, Serafina Garofalo, Vito D'Andrea, Sara De Carolis

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BACKGROUND: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy account for increased perinatal morbidity and mortality when compared to uneventful gestations. AIMS: To analyze perinatal outcome of pregnancies complicated by different kinds of hypertension to uncomplicated pregnancies in a series of Italian women and to compare our data with series from other countries. STUDY DESIGN: The sample was divided into four groups of hypertensive women: chronic hypertension (CH), gestational hypertension (GH), preeclampsia (PE), and chronic hypertension complicated by preeclampsia (CHPE). One thousand normal pregnancies served as controls. SUBJECTS: Neonatal features of the offspring of 965 Italian women with hypertension in pregnancy were evaluated. MEASURES: Gestational age, birthweight and the rate of small for gestational age were the outcomes. Perinatal asphyxia and mortality were also assessed. RESULTS: Gestational age, the mean of birth weight and birth percentile were significantly lower in all groups with hypertensive complications when compared with controls. The rate of very early preterm delivery (<32 weeks) was 7.8% in CH, 5.9% in GH, 21.2% in PE and 37.2% in CHPE while it was to 1.2% in the control group. The rate of SGA was globally 16.2% in CH, 22.8% in GH, 50.7% in PE, 37.2% in CHPE and 5% in controls. The rate of SGA in PE was much higher than reported in series from other countries. CONCLUSION: Comparing our data with those reported from other countries, it is evident that the rate of fetal growth restriction in PE we found in our center, is significantly higher even in the presence of a global lower incidence of PE.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)445-449
Number of pages5
JournalEarly Human Development
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Hypertensione
  • pregnancy


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