Myśl romantyczna i opera włoska

Maurizio Padoan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


[Autom. eng. transl.] The evolution of Italian music in the framed climate and the underlying poetics acquire a more specific physiognomy only if compared to the new civil atmosphere that takes place through the passionate events of our Risorgimento and contrasts the most radically romantic temptations. The Risorgimento instances, in fact, disposed to a wider design of moral and social renewal and devoted to parenetic intentions, needed an art form that was not only capable of a semantically message as unambiguous as possible, even close to taste and to the interests of the public in order to be effectively realized. Hence the fortune of the melodrama and, consequently, the unreliability of the antinomies of theatricality-intimacy and autonomy-heteronomy of art (so held in Nordic Romanticism), in the name of an essential universality of discourse. This poetics aimed at subordinating art to ethical, civil and even patriotic purposes, is the fruit of the theoretical and literary-critical commitment made by the greatest Italian romantic intellectuals from those of the Conciliator, first of all, to Manzoni, to the Scalvini, to Leopardi, to Mazzini, to Tommaseo. A current of thought that, implemented even without a particular interest in melodrama (the most striking exception is that of Mazzini), actually interested - at least indirectly - in its perspective and its problematic music itself.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationPagine: polsko-włoskie materiały muzyczne. Argomenti musicali polacco-italiani
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 1980
Externally publishedYes
EventVII Sesja muzykologiczna polsko- włoska poświęcona muzyce okresu romantyzmu - Varsavia
Duration: 11 Sept 197512 Sept 1975


ConferenceVII Sesja muzykologiczna polsko- włoska poświęcona muzyce okresu romantyzmu


  • Romantyzm
  • efektu moralnego
  • opery seria
  • tekst poetycki

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