Modelling and mitigation strategies relating to pesticide exposure for operator, worker, bystander and resident: The case of the BROWSE project

Gabriele Sacchettini, Ettore Capri, Marco Trevisan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides (EU128/2009/EC) establishes a framework to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides by reducing the risk and impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment and promoting the use of integrated pest management and of alternative approaches or techniques. The core idea is that in order to achieve all these objectives, it is necessary to guarantee that everyone is conscious about the risk for the human health and for the environment associated to the use of plant protection products and furthermore, that these risks are assessed by appropriate models and monitored by appropriate risk indicators. Modelling volatilisation of pesticides from treated areas, from both indoor and outdoor applications, is necessary to assess their subsequent transport downwind to potential resident and bystander locations and currently there is no model available that can be used to determine volatilisation rates on an appropriate time scale in the field, based on chemical properties of the active ingredient.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAnnual MGPR Meeting 2012 and International Conference on Food and Health Safety: Moving Towards a Sustainable Agriculture
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventAnnual MGPR Meeting 2012 and International Conference on Food and Health Safety: Moving Towards a Sustainable Agriculture - Belgrado
Duration: 11 Oct 201212 Oct 2012


ConferenceAnnual MGPR Meeting 2012 and International Conference on Food and Health Safety: Moving Towards a Sustainable Agriculture


  • awareness raising
  • indicators
  • pesticide use
  • sustainable use directive
  • training
  • volatilisation


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