Missioni, investimenti e progetti «di interesse religioso» nell’avvio ed attuazione del PNRR in Italia. Una rassegna esemplificativa

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Missions, investments and projects "of religious interest" in the launch and implementation of the PNRR in Italy. An illustrative review

Anna Gianfreda*

*Corresponding author

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The contribution, starting from the framework in which the recent financial interventions of the European Union in support of the Member States have matured, focuses on the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). The review of the main funding lines, interventions and actions that directly or indirectly concern areas linked to worship and aspects of religious interest highlights the potential of innovative research in ecclesiastical and canon law disciplines.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Missions, investments and projects "of religious interest" in the launch and implementation of the PNRR in Italy. An illustrative review
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)573-598
Number of pages26
JournalQuaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • National Recovery and Resilience Plan
  • Places of worship
  • Ecclesiastical and canon law
  • Sustainability
  • Religious tourism


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