Microvascular Thrombosis and Liver Fibrosis Progression: Mechanisms and Clinical Applications

Carlo Airola, Maria Pallozzi, Lucia Cerrito, Francesco Santopaolo, Leonardo Stella, Antonio Gasbarrini, Francesca Romana Ponziani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Fibrosis is an unavoidable consequence of chronic inflammation. Extracellular matrix deposition by fibroblasts, stimulated by multiple pathways, is the first step in the onset of chronic liver disease, and its propagation promotes liver dysfunction. At the same time, chronic liver disease is characterized by alterations in primary and secondary hemostasis but unlike previously thought, these changes are not associated with an increased risk of bleeding complications. In recent years, the role of coagulation imbalance has been postulated as one of the main mechanisms promoting hepatic fibrogenesis. In this review, we aim to investigate the function of microvascular thrombosis in the progression of liver disease and highlight the molecular and cellular networks linking hemostasis to fibrosis in this context. We analyze the predictive and prognostic role of coagulation products as biomarkers of liver decompensation (ascites, variceal hemorrhage, and hepatic encephalopathy) and liver-related mortality. Finally, we evaluate the current evidence on the application of antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapies for prophylaxis of hepatic decompensation or prevention of the progression of liver fibrosis.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)N/A-N/A
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • ADAMTS-13
  • coagulation
  • fibrosis
  • hepatic stellate cells
  • von Willebrand factor
  • microthrombosis
  • parenchymal extinction
  • platelets
  • liver cirrhosis


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