Meat extenders from different sources as protein-rich alternatives to improve the technological properties and functional quality of meat products

Gabriele Rocchetti*, Giulia Ferronato, Viive Sarv, Kristi Kerner, Petras R Venskutonis, Luigi Lucini

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


In the last years, animal proteins from meat and meat-derived products have represented one of the main concerns to achieve a sustainable food production. Within this perspective, the partial replacement of meat with nonmeat substances having a high-protein content, offers interesting opportunities to reformulate more sustainable meat products characterized also by potential health-promoting properties. Therefore, starting from these background conditions, this short review critically summarizes recent findings on extenders from different origins, namely pulses, plant-based ingredients, plant by-products, and unconventional sources, as valuable possibility to improve the technological profile and functional quality of meat, together with providing a focus on their ability to affect the sustainability of meat products.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)100967-N/A
JournalCurrent Opinion in Food Science
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • meat extenders
  • shelf-life


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