title = "Libert{\`a} religiosa, culti e spazi per i defunti. L{\textquoteright}ordinamento italiano e le sue articolazioni territoriali: quadro normativo ed esperienze applicative",
abstract = "Starting from the analysis of the sources of ecclesiastical law, the contribution reviews the assets and regulatory powers involved in the juridical discipline of the cult of the dead. It dwells, in particular, on the interactions between civil and religious norms in this area and examines the consolidated practices during the pandemic period, drawing systemic reflections on pluralism and religious freedom.",
keywords = "Chiesa cattolica, Cimiteri, Islam, Libert{\`a} religiosa, Pluralismo religioso, Sepolture, Chiesa cattolica, Cimiteri, Islam, Libert{\`a} religiosa, Pluralismo religioso, Sepolture",
author = "Anna Gianfreda",
year = "2023",
language = "Italian",
isbn = "979-12-5976-590-1",
series = "AGONALIS",
pages = "1277--1288",
booktitle = "Pluralismo confessionale e dinamiche interculturali. Le best practices per una societ{\`a} inclusiva",