L’esperienza del primo parto: variabili psicologiche implicate

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] The experience of the first birth: psychological variables involved

Valentina Fenaroli, Sara Molgora, Margherita Novelli

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


[Autom. eng. transl.] Childbirth visibly represents a psychosomatic event, in which the interweaving between what happens in the woman's body (contractions, thrusts, etc.) and what happens in her mind is inextricable. Literature, moreover, well emphasizes that this experience is the result of multiple variables of a medical-obstetric and psychological nature, many of which transcend what happens in the here and now of the delivery room. The research presented - a correlational study in two stages (time 1: third trimester of pregnancy; time 2: about 1 month after the birth) - intends to explore the existence of relationships between intrapsychic and relational variables detected during pregnancy on the pregnant woman ( anxiety, depression, expectations, adaptation of couples and social support) and childbirth event, in its objective components (type of birth, childbirth) and subjective (evaluation of the woman). 122 Italian primiparous women were administered: Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire (Wijma et al., 1998); Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (Cox et al., 1987; Benvenuti et al., 1999); Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, 1976; Gentili et al., 2002); Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire - adaptam Italian - (Norbeck, 1984); Wijma Delivery Experience Questionnaire (Wijma et al., 1998); card relating to the progress of pregnancy and childbirth. The results obtained show us how negative expectations with regard to childbirth - in particular, a lack of confidence in oneself and in the context - increase the risk that the woman must face an operative delivery or an emergency / emergency caesarean section, with respect to to a natural birth. The type of birth affects the subjective experience of women, but only minimally (R2 = .05). Instead, there are more psychological variables of an intrapsychic and relational nature (expectations about the event and dyadic cohesion level) to say about the evaluation that the mother will make of the lived event (R2 = .17). The results will be presented in detail and discussed in their clinical value at the congress.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] The experience of the first birth: psychological variables involved
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationXVII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica AIP-Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Catania, 16-18/9/2011
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventAssociazione Italiana di Psicologia: Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica - Catania
Duration: 15 Sept 201117 Sept 2011


ConferenceAssociazione Italiana di Psicologia: Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica


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