Labour (The Tenth Italian report on migrations)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Within the yearly Italian Report on Migrations (2004’s edition) realised by the ISMU Foundation – the main Italian scientific institution on migrations and interethnic cohabitation – this chapter focuses the attention on migrants’ insertion in the Italian labour market. After recounting the characterising features of Italian migratory transition, it describes the process of institutionalisation of the Italian regime of importing labour from abroad. Then it focuses the attention on migrants’ role within the Italian labour market, highlighting the ambivalence of the society’s expectations towards them. Finally, it develops some concluding remarks and suggestions on labour migrations management, highlighting the need of new rules coherent with the importance of the Italian pole in the contemporary migration scenario. The contribution is also available in the Italian version (see: “Il lavoro”, X Rapporto sulle migrazioni)
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Tenth Italian Report on Migration 2004. Ten Years of Immigration in Italy
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • immigration
  • immigrazione
  • labour market
  • mercato del lavoro
  • migration policies
  • politiche migratorie


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