La paura del parto: profili intrapsichici e relazionali

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] The fear of childbirth: intrapsychic and relational profiles

Emanuela Saita, Valentina Fenaroli, Sara Molgora

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


[Autom. eng. transl.] The perinatal literature shows that a percentage of pregnant women between 5 and 20% shows a high fear of childbirth (FOC), which is expressed both by itself (pain, possible lacerations, not being able, etc.), which for the child (injuries, birth defects, etc.). This emotion is often hidden by the use of programmed caesarean sections, but it can also lead to an increased risk of complications during labor and delivery; moreover, it is connected to a negative evaluation of the woman's own experience. The Italian context - which also includes the highest rate of caesarean sections in Europe - is almost devoid of studies that investigate the nature of FOC, as well as its effects on childbirth. In particular, there are few studies that deepen the connection between FOC and other perinatal disorders, as well as the risk factors and related resources. The present work intends to explore the types of FOC binding with some intrapsychic variables, such as anxiety and depression, as well as relational dimensions, such as the perception of social support and couple adaptation. 300 Italian women between the 7th and 8th months of pregnancy contacted during the birth support courses were given: the Wijma Delivery Expectancy Questionnaire, the State-trait Anxiety Inventory, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale. The results show the existence of different profiles of the FOC, or different links between the emotion of fear of childbirth and the investigated intrapsychic and relational variables. These profiles will be outlined at the congress and the clinical implications discussed.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] The fear of childbirth: intrapsychic and relational profiles
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationPsicologia della salute e salute della psicologia. Atti del XI Congresso Nazionale della S.I.P.Sa - Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventXI Congresso nazionale della S.I.P.Sa - Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute - Catania
Duration: 28 May 201530 May 2015


ConferenceXI Congresso nazionale della S.I.P.Sa - Società Italiana di Psicologia della Salute


  • ansia
  • depressione
  • paura del parto
  • relazione di coppia


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