La Lombardia batte la Ue

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Lombardy beats the EU

Marco Fortis

Research output: Working paper


[Autom. eng. transl.] How could Lombardy sink into 128th place in the recent ranking of the most competitive European regions drawn up by the European Commission, whose results were anticipated a few days ago, is almost impossible to understand. At least on the basis of conclusive economic data such as those provided by the European statistics office itself. In fact, according to Eurostat in 2010 Lombardy, if compared with similar territorial realities of equal level of geographic classification (NUTS2), is clearly the second European region for total added value after the Ile-de-France, the first for added value of the industry, the second in trade, transport and tourism after the Ile-de-France, the third in finance and business services after the Ile-de-France and "internal" London, as well as the third also in agriculture after Andalusia and Castile and Leon. How is it possible, then, to have fallen so low in the European competitiveness ranking? The reason is simple. The concept of competitiveness in recent years has been increasingly mistreated until it is completely distorted. It has sometimes become a vague concept of the attractiveness of various countries for foreign investors. In other cases, the concept of competitiveness is even boundless in a sort of synonymous with well-being, including parameters at discretion such as hospitals or health, which in turn are weighed in a questionable way. But then why not include among the indicators chosen to measure the competitiveness of nations or regions also the number of nights spent by foreign tourists, the number of churches or monuments unique in the world, the landscape, the climate, the net financial and real estate wealth of the families and food? All indices where Italy and its regions stand out not only in Europe but in the world.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Lombardy beats the EU
Original languageItalian
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes


  • Industrial Value added
  • Lombardia
  • Lombardy
  • Valore aggiunto industriale
  • competitiveness
  • competitività


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