Introduction: The paradigm concept as a resource for knowledge development and critical reflection in organisation studies

Massimiliano Monaci*, John Hassard

*Corresponding author

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In this introduction to the special issue on paradigm thinking in organisation studies we argue that by continuing to cultivate paradigm-based ideas we can make new and valuable contributions to debates on theoretical development and knowledge production in the field. We begin by returning to some central issues in the original ‘paradigm wars’ debate and outlining the state of the art in this respect. Then, briefly, we speculate on some broader contemporary areas in which paradigm-thinking is likely to yield significant benefits for scholars’ in terms of research inquiry and critical reflection. We conclude with a discussion of the papers included in the issue – papers that provide powerful insights into the relevance of paradigm thinking for modern organisation studies, and notably with respect to a range of intellectual challenges emerging within the field.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-16
Number of pages14
VolumeAnno LVII
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Critical reflection
  • Management studies
  • Organisation studies
  • Paradigm thinking
  • Paradigms
  • Philosophy of science


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