Implementing carrier screening for cystic fibrosis outside the clinic: ethical analysis in the light of the personalist view

Maria Luisa Di Pietro, Adele Anna Teleman, F. J. Gonzalez-Melado, Drieda Zace, Francesca Romana Di Raimo, V. Lucidi, Pietro Refolo*

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Background. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease. Two models for screening CF are normally used: newborn screening and population-based CF carrier screening. In turn, there are three main models of population-based CF carrier screening: prenatal carrier screening, preconception carrier screening, and carrier screening outside clinical settings. Aim. To evaluate, in the light of the personalist view, the use of carrier screenings for CF outside the clinic, i.e. in non-clinical settings, such as school and workplaces.Methods. Analysis has been carried out according to the “Perso-nalist approach” (also called “Triangular model”), an ethical method for performing ethical analysis within HTA process. It includes factual, anthropological and ethical data in a ‘‘triangular’’ normative reflection process.Findings. Implementing carrier screening for cystic fibrosis outside the clinical settings allows acquisition of knowledge for informing reproductive choices, that can be considered as valuable; benefit-risk ratio seems to be not much favorable; autonomous and responsible decisions can be taken only under certain conditions; economic ad-vantage is difficult to determine; therefore, from a personalist view, implementing carrier screenings outside the clinic seems not to be ethically justified. Conclusion. In accordance with the personalist perspective, public health programs providing carrier screenings outside the clinic should not be implemented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e71-e71
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • bioethics
  • carrier screening
  • cystic fibrosis


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