Il vaccino anti-rotavirus:raccomandazioni, modalità di gestione e proposte per l’offerta vaccinale, in Health Technology Assessment della vaccinazione anti-rotavirus con il vaccino Rotarix

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] The rotavirus vaccine: recommendations, management methods and proposals for the vaccine offer, in the Health Technology Assessment of the rotavirus vaccination with the Rotarix vaccine

E Lovato, Silvio Capizzi, Agostino Mancuso, Maria Lucia Specchia

Research output: Working paper


[Autom. eng. transl.] mary According to the latest recommendations of the World Health Organization, antirotavirus vaccines should be included in all national immunization programs, especially in countries with a high mortality rate from rotavirus gastroenteritis such as Southeast Asia and sub-Africa Saharan Africa. The use of anti-rotavirus vaccination should also be part of a more complete strategy to control diarrheal disease, along with other public health and hygiene measures, rehydration, breastfeeding. Plans for the introduction of rotavirus vaccines should consider a number of aspects, such as the epidemiology of the disease by age, the impact of public health, an estimate of potential risks, cost-effectiveness assessments, vaccine accessibility, financial and operational impact on the delivery system. The introduction of the antirotavirus vaccine should also be accompanied by measures to ensure high vaccination coverage and the timely administration of each dose based on the recommended age. The European Society for Pediatric Infectious Disease (ESPID) and the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Haepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) recommend anti-rotavirus vaccination to all healthy newborns in Europe (high level of evidence, net benefit, grade 1A recommendation ) with one of the two vaccines licensed by the European Medicines Agency in Europe (Rotarix ™ or RotaTeq ™), both oral mucosal vaccines characterized by high efficacy and good safety profile. Rotarix ™ is a live monovalent vaccine, derived from the most frequent human rotavirus strain, G1P8, attenuated through a series of cultured passages. Rotateq ™ is a live pentavalent attenuated vaccine, derived from a bovine strain (WC-3) subjected to reassortment with RNA segments from human rotaviruses. The complete vaccination cycle includes 2 doses with Rotarix ™ and 3 with Rotateq ™, administered at least 4 weeks apart. The first dose can be administered starting from the sixth week of age and the vaccination cycle should preferably be carried out by the 16th week of age, but in any case it must be completed within 24 weeks of age. Rotarix and Rotateq can be administered to premature infants with the same posology and at the same chronological age as full-term infants. Both vaccines are ready to use and therefore do not require reconstitution or dilution and should be administered orally without mixing them with any other vaccine or solution. When a type of vaccine is given to the child as the first dose, it is recommended that the same vaccine (and not another rotavirus vaccine) be given as a subsequent dose (s). As for the Italian context, the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors (FIMP) / Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) underlines the need to introduce vaccination against rotavirus and to promote its active offer in the shortest time, compatibly with other priorities in vaccination strategies in the national territory, as well as that of promoting the most effective initiatives to make vaccination accessible to children in poor countries. The opinion of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SitI) is similar, in collaboration with the Italian Federation of General Practitioners (FIMMG), with the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors (FIMP) and with the SIP itself. , reported anti-RV vaccination in the recent update of the Vaccine Calendar for Life. To date, the National Vaccine Prevention Plan (PNPV) 2012-2014 does not specifically refer to anti-rotavirus vaccination and,
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] The rotavirus vaccine: recommendations, management methods and proposals for the vaccine offer, in the Health Technology Assessment of the rotavirus vaccination with the Rotarix vaccine
Original languageItalian
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Health Technology Assessment
  • Rotavirus
  • Vaccine


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