Hybrid artificial pancreas: islet transplantation inside membrane bioreactors

Celestino Pio Lombardi, A Urso, G Careddu, Giovanni Ghirlanda, G Catapano, Giuseppe Brisinda, Franco Ceriati, Rocco Domenico Alfonso Bellantone, Gb Doglietto, F. Crucitti

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The use of pancreatic islet transplantation in membrane bioreactors put in vascular circuits aims at resetting the glucose homeostasis in diabetic or pancreatectomized patients, avoiding immune host rejection. Our experience was carried out at following stages: porcine pancreas explantation and enzymatic separation of endocrine tissue from exocrine fraction by collagenase; evaluation of islet functionality (culture tests); in vitro tests of the islets-bioreactor system, to assess the metabolic response to the glucose; in vivo evaluation to assay the haemodynamic behaviour. The trials showed a good metabolic bioreactor functionality and a decreasing incidence of coagulative problems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1177-1192
Number of pages16
JournalBiomaterials, Artificial Cells, and Immobilization Biotechnology
Publication statusPublished - 1992


  • Animals
  • Female
  • Glucose
  • Heparin
  • Insulin
  • Islets of Langerhans Transplantation
  • Membranes, Artificial
  • Swine


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