Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] TRAINING FOR DEMOCRACY. NEW ITINERARIES FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE

F Abbate, M. G. Carnazzola, V Cotza, G Crescenza, Alessandra Gargiulo Labriola

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


[Autom. eng. transl.] The question about education, and what model of education, belongs to society, is moved by society, just as the answer must return to it: educating to complexity, to critical thinking, to the responsibility of choices are the possible answers. In other words, we consider education as active citizenship, meaning citizenship as a defined condition, founded on respect for oneself, for others and for the rules of the community. It is a cultural attitude made up of values such as civil and political commitment, and an ethical dimension that implies the belief that without choice and responsibility authentic social justice cannot exist. It is the sense of belonging and exercise of democracy, where democracy is the result of opposition first, of mediation later. This should be the task of the public school, to be fulfilled by resorting to the cultural wealth that derives from its pluralism; : This can be done by trained teachers, available for discussion, who know how to dismantle and reassemble disciplinary knowledge and transversal skills in an epistemologically correct way, to respond to the diversified learning needs, providing tools for interaction with reality. The School, therefore, as an ethical place of training and citizenship, which guides change and transformative processes, inspired by new cultural, social, psycho-pedagogical and organizational paradigms. A School that, as a public service, is already within a pedagogical and political project together. KEYWORDSSchool, Participatory Democracy, Social Justice, Active Citizenship, Teacher Education. School, Participatory Democracy, Social Justice, Active Citizenship, Teacher Education. Introduction The word “space” often appears in the reflections that this essay offers and it is no coincidence. Space defines the way in which we are in the world and in which we can carry out our actions, pronounce our words, meet others like us. English: Space is what allows, limits and determines the possibilities of our existence, and since it is always shared space, its nature is political. Thinking about education and training means, therefore, thinking about the tools that prepare us to inhabit that political space. This is why the four areas of reflection that make up the essay decide to address the urgencies of training starting from the public debate from which those instances originate and to which pedagogical research must provide answers and directions. Whether it is a strong, motivated and almost heartfelt call to public policies, so that they rediscover the main road of the democratic motivations that should support them, otherwise every social network disintegrates, every conquest of solidarity and inclusion is shattered, and above all the most deplorable crime is committed, that of dispersing intelligence and creativity; whether it is a clear vision of the shortcomings and opportunities of school management in our country, capable of putting the training of trainers at the center even before the trained; whether it is a matter of reaffirming a critical space for citizenship education-956 Related papers
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] TRAINING FOR DEMOCRACY. NEW ITINERARIES FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE
Original languageItalian
Pages (from-to)955-965
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Education, critical thinking, social justice
  • educazione, pensiero critica, giustizia sociale


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