Food education at school "add a seat at table"

Miriam Bisagni, Maura Calliera, Laura Borghi, C. Boccalari, S. Solvi, Ettore Capri

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Piacecibosano, is an NGO coordinated in partnership with the Research Centre for Sustainable Development OPERA- Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore of Piacenza, a synergetic initiative aimed at developing a sustainable and healthy food production network based on public participation. In order to reach this objective the association has developed a local network to bridge the communication gap between all the actors in the chain and the lack of recognition of the added value of active participation in increasing sustainable consumption, linked to the territory and values. In November 2014, the project "Add a seat at table" was launched involving 4 secondary schools of Piacenza for a total of 30 students and 5 teachers. Students identified some issues of their interest related to food, organised them into five thematic groups and started a discussion with their teachers sharing knowledge and experiences. At the end of the process, projects proposed by the students will be realized and will be presented at the international exhibition (EXPO) in Milan
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAgricolture in Urbanizing Society
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventReconnecting Agricolture and Food Chains to Societal Needs-International award 2015 Revolutionary solutions for local food systems - Roma
Duration: 14 Sept 201517 Sept 2015


ConferenceReconnecting Agricolture and Food Chains to Societal Needs-International award 2015 Revolutionary solutions for local food systems


  • food education


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