Exercise intensity profile of Tchoukball match-play

Ferdinando Cereda, Frédéric Peroni Ranchet, Sabrina Basilico, Maurizio Mondoni, Franco Impellizzeri, Piero Mognoni

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


BACKGROUND: Tchoukball is relative new sport developed in 1970 by the Swiss biologist Hermann Brandt. During matches physical contact between players is not allowed to reduce the risk of injuries and limit aggressive behaviors. Tchoukball is played by two teams of nine players on a rectangular field (usually 40x20 m) with one rebound frame placed at each end of the field. To score a player must bounce the ball off the frame such that no defending players can catch it before it falls on the field (rules available on www.tchoukball.org). Each match consists of three periods of 15 min with resting intervals of 5 min between periods. Tchoukball is widespreading in some countries of Europe, America and Asia. However, to date, there are no studies on this sport. Therefore, to understand the physiological demands imposed by Tchoukball, we examined the exercise intensity by assessing the heart rate and the blood lactate [BLa-] response during a match. METHODS: fourteen players (mean±SD: age 19.5±2.2 years, body mass 75±9 kg, height 1.79±0.07 m) participated to the study. They completed an incremental test for the determination of the lactate threshold (LT, 1 mmol/L above baseline) and onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA, intensity at 4 mmol/L). Three intensity zones were determined: EASY (<LT), MODERATE (between LT and OBLA) and HIGH (>OBLA). During a friendly match, HR and [BLa-] after each period were measured. Exercise intensity was expressed as percent of individual maximal HR reached in the laboratory and as relative time spent in the three intensity zones. Exercise intensity was analyzed using two-way (period x intensity zones) and one-way (period) repeated measures ANOVAs. RESULTS: players reached a HRmax of 191±8 bpm. The HR at LT and OBLA corresponded to 65±6 and 80±5% of HRmax, respectively. The average intensity during the match was 82±2% of HRmax, while the average HR values during the three periods were 85±5, 83±7, and 81±6% of maximal, respectively. A significant time effect was found for average HR (P=0.024). The time spent in the high, moderate and easy zones was 55±34, 37±27 and 8±13% of total match time. A significant period x intensity zones interaction was found (P=0.047), with the time spent at high intensity decreasing during the match: from 68±33 (first period), to 53±38 (second period) and 45±30 (third period). No differences between periods were found in [BLa-]. DISCUSSION: the average intensity during tchoukball matches is similar to that found in other team sports such as soccer and futsal. The high proportion of time spent in the higher zone shows that tchoukball is high demanding sport. The decrease in intensity during the periods suggest the occurrence of fatigue throughout the match. The knowledge of the physiological demands of tchoukball can be useful for coaches and sport scientists attempting to clarify fitness objectives and to ascertain the physiological characteristics that are prerequisites for success.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBook of Abstract
Number of pages739
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event13th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE - Estoril
Duration: 9 Jul 200812 Jul 2008


Conference13th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE


  • Intensity
  • Match
  • Tchoukball


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