Exclusive Ru-106 brachytherapy for the management of a recurrent corneo: Conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma

Matteo Mario Carlà, Maria Grazia Sammarco, Federico Giannuzzi, Gustavo Savino, Maria Antonietta Blasi, Bruno Fionda, Luca Tagliaferri, Monica Maria Pagliara

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


BACKGROUND: We report a case of personalized exclusive brachytherapy treatment for the management of a highly recurrent squamous cell conjunctival carcinoma with corneal invasion. CASE DESCRIPTION: This is a case of a Caucasian 81-years-old man who presented 10 years ago to our clinic with a pink-white para-limbal mass with dilated feeder arteries and mild leukoplakia. Excisional biopsy confirmed the presence of conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Successively, he underwent two 4-weeks cycles of Mytomicin C topical therapy and a second excisional surgery, due to several recurrences of the lesion. At the last relapse, the pink-white peri-limbic mass which invaded the corneal limbus, determining corneal opacification from 5- to 7-clock hours, was confirmed by anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT). Due to resistance to MMC therapy and chronic epitheliopathy, an AS-OCT guided exclusive radiotherapy plan was set: a Rhutenium-106 CCD plaque was applied directly over the afflicted corneal surface, the corneal limbus and the neighboring sclera for 24 hours. The remission of both conjunctival and corneal malignancy was complete 2 months after surgery and no signs of recurrence were highlighted at AS-OCT analysis at the 2-year follow up. CONCLUSION: Brachytherapy treatment showed optimal management of both corneal and conjunctival involvement, with a free-of-disease follow-up of 24-months. This result suggests that, in specific conditions, Ru-106 brachytherapy could be an effective option of treatment even if not associated with surgical excision.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)457-462
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Anterior segment optical coherence tomography
  • Brachytherapy
  • Squamous cell conjunctival carcinoma
  • Ru-106
  • Personalized medicine


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