Elements for an Analysis of the Genesis and the Significance of the Theology of Politics and the Theory of Totalitarianism of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI

Giuseppe Dalla Torre, Jean Louis Ska, Robert P. George, Marta Cartabia, Carlos Ignacio Massini, Barbara Zehnpfennig, Mary Ann Glendon, Joseph H. Weiler, Roberto Baratta, Pietro Luca Azzaro, Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


How far have we come putting into practice what was declared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which this year marks its 70th anniversary? How can the Church respond today to the new challenges threatening these rights, whether relativism, fundamentalism, and persecution or new types of poverty and oppression? And with whom can the Church engage on these issues? With states, religious leaders, international institutions, cultural institutions, or first and foremost with global civil society?In addition, what are the roots of fundamental rights, and what response can there be to the danger of a multiplication of rights that can paradoxically threaten concepts on the rule of law and human dignity?
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFundamental Rights and Conflict Among Rights
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventSimposio Internazionale - ROMA -- ITA
Duration: 15 Nov 201811 Nov 2020


ConferenceSimposio Internazionale


  • Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti umani, secolarizzazione, Libertà Religiosa, ,Diritto naturale, Ideologie moderne. Storia delle idee
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Secularism, Religious Liberty, Natural Law, Modern ideologies, History of Ideas


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