Effect of the presence of two commercial adsorbents in animal feed on aflatoxin B1 detrmination by ELISA kit test.

Antonio Gallo, Maurizio Moschini, Marco Battaglia, Marta Vilas Boas, Francesco Masoero

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


A rapid AFB1 detection method by ELISA kit test was used on feedstuff samples, and compared to an HPLC method, to verify if the presence of clay-adsorbent (SA) could cause erroneous quantification of the toxin. Samples were obtained using two AFB1-contaminated feedstuffs (7.92 and 17.58 µg/kg for low and high contaminated feeds; LC and HC respectively), added either one of two commercial SAs (Atox® and Myco AD) and three different inclusion doses (0, 10 and 20 g/kg, respectively for CTR, 1% and 2% doses). The HPLC and ELISA data were compared in CTR samples with a paired t-test. The AFB1 recoveries, performed with ELISA, were analysed as a completely randomized design using a 2×2×3 factorial arrangement. The ELISA method tended to underestimate the AFB1 concentrations with respect to the HPLC method, both in HC (P=0.050) and in LC (P<0.001) feedstuffs. A more drastic reduction (P<0.001) was observed when SAs were included in the two feedstuffs. In particular, Atox® determined an AFB1 recovery of 15,5% in HC and 7,6% in LC (1% dose) and of 11,1% in HC and 8,4% in LC (2% dose).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)304-306
Number of pages3
JournalItalian Journal of Animal Science
Publication statusPublished - 2009
EventProceedings of the 18th ASPA Congress - Palermo
Duration: 9 Jun 200912 Jun 2009


  • ELISA kit test
  • aflatoxin B1
  • feed


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