Education & Emergency in Italy. How the education system reacted to the first-wave of Covid-19

Maddalena Colombo (Editor), Marco Romito (Editor), Massimiliano Vaira (Editor), Martina Visentin (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


As in any emergency occurs, in Italy the hard lockdown during the first wave of the pandemic (March-June 2020) has jeopardized the efficacy of the education system and its inclusivity, making clear its endemic weaknesses. Social actors and institutional settings were requested (at both formal and informal level) to resist, adapt and reconfigure the learning-teaching routine. The challenge revealed unexpected capabilities of teachers, students and families and the difficulty of institutional level to shape a new regime in providing education and ensuring quality and equality, as well as criticalities, tensions and contradictions. The book explores the different education divisions with empirical methods and discusses research findings under the perspective of trauma and societal cohesion.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherBrill Academic Publishers
Number of pages251
ISBN (Print)9789004523227
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Distance learning
  • Educational policy
  • Sociology of education
  • education in emergency
  • schoo lockdown
  • school-family relationship


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