Draft genome sequence of lactobacillus helveticus Lh 23, isolated from natural whey starter

Gaia Bertani, Daniela Bassi, Claudia Cortimiglia, Monica Gatti, Pier Sandro Cocconcelli, Erasmo Neviani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Lactobacillus helveticus is a thermophilic lactic acid bacterium that is widely employed as a starter culture for manufacturing several Swiss and Italian hard-cooked cheeses. The sequencing of L. helveticus Lh 23, which consists of 2,100,230 bp with a GC content of 36.5%, reveals industrially useful traits and interesting metabolic pathways.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-2
Number of pages2
JournalMicrobiology Resource Announcements
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Grana Padano cheese
  • Lactobacillus helveticus
  • draft genome
  • metabolic pathways
  • natural whey
  • starter


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