Discorso pedagogico e metodologie formative per la sostenibilità. Questioni aperte

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Pedagogical discourse and training methodologies for sustainability. Open questions

Research output: Book/ReportBook


[Autom. eng. transl.] In the current situation of ecological transition, the main challenge linked to sustainability remains centered on the education of people. It calls into question institutions, education networks, worlds of work, scientific communities in order to articulate relationships and integrated perspectives of knowledge and innovation towards possible futures, in the name of equity. The proposed reflections develop around the liveliness of the ongoing pedagogical debate on lifelong learning, tracing transformative learning as an engine for sustainability education. The emblematic notion that runs through the volume is constituted by the complexity of skills for sustainability, the relevance of which is perceptible in the personal, intersubjective and concretely situated dimensions of useful learning in order to promote the exercise of a thought capable of grasping the depth and the inseparability of the relationships that bind us to each other. The volume accredits the hypothesis of sustainability as a public good to which everyone is invited to contribute, also with reference to entrepreneurial realities. Without concealing ambiguity and difficulties in the "green" conversion processes of traditional sectors, the analysis carried out places emphasis on organizations as places to realize the ecological transition in the economic, environmental, social and training dimensions, rethinking professional profiles, with repercussions on sustainability competences associated with them. Training in sustainability to face the present and become literate for the future, between school and work, greening of professions and new skills.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Pedagogical discourse and training methodologies for sustainability. Open questions
Original languageItalian
PublisherPensa MultiMedia
Number of pages104
ISBN (Print)9791255680802
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • competenze
  • formazione
  • methodologies
  • metodologie
  • skills
  • sostenibilità
  • sustainability
  • training


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