Differenziazione didattica e sfondo inclusivo nei servizi 0-6. Una opportunità di progettazione attenta ai bisogni dei bambini

Translated title of the contribution: [Autom. eng. transl.] Educational differentiation and inclusive background in 0-6 services. An opportunity for planning that is attentive to children's needs

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


[Autom. eng. transl.] Today more than ever it seems necessary to promote specific planning in 0-6 services, attentive to the real characteristics of children and, at the same time, capable of restoring organicity to the various educational and training proposals activated. In this study, enriched by some experiences in the field, we will reflect on the urgency of a project with these peculiarities, combining the model for "integrating background", born in the 1980s from an idea by Zanelli, Canevaro and Lippi, then redefined as "inclusive background", with the opportunities offered by Didactic Differentiation. The "traces" left by children, conceptual and methodological basis of the background, become, in fact, the operating characteristics that a careful and prepared teacher must take into account in order to activate authentic and lasting learning paths, capable not only of preparing for the transition to primary school, but able to fascinate, amaze children and allow them to experiment in complete freedom. Starting from these considerations, the theoretical contribution will reflect on the union between inclusive background planning and Teaching Differentiation, highlighting how the latter can represent a way of doing and being school characterized by a strong inclusive characterization even within a container, the background, which contributes to providing direction and orientation to the pedagogical intentionality of teachers. The path underlying such planning becomes maieutic both for teachers and for students: for the former it represents the opportunity to follow the flow of learning of the students, drawing nourishment for the preparation of the activities; for children, instead, the opportunity to be active supporters of their own learning process.
Translated title of the contribution[Autom. eng. transl.] Educational differentiation and inclusive background in 0-6 services. An opportunity for planning that is attentive to children's needs
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationDidattica speciale per l'inclusione: prospettive innovative
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • 0-6
  • inclusione
  • progettazione
  • differenziazione didattica
  • tracce dei bambini
  • scuola Audiofonetica


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